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Lars-Gunnar Bodin @ EMS, Stockholm,1980
Lars-Gunnar Bodin - "On Speaking Terms II (1986): Poem No. 5"
Lars-Gunnar Bodin reads: "Nästan diffus men glimmande" - Exhibition on sept 2 – oktober 8, 2017 at Art Lab Gnesta.
Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art
Lars-Gunnar Bodin started 1965 to work with Electroacoustic Music(EAM) at EMS - a
department of the Swedish Radio. A small studio – ”the Sound-workshop” – had just been opened for the independent composers the same year. ”The Sound-workshop” was a professional studio, however with rather limited technical resources. In 1972 Bodin began teaching EAM at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and he also start working in the college EAM studio established the same year. Later on Bodin also worked in foreign studios like tke ones at Dartmouth College in the US and IMEB in Bourges, France. As early as in 1975 digitally generated FM-sounds could be achieved in the Dartmouth College Studio, which Bodin from now on started to utilize as sonic material in a number of works. One of his first EAM work – ”My world is your world” for organ and four channel tape(1966) – was commissioned by the Swedish Radio. Since then Bodin has received quite a few commissions from the Swedish Radio, some of them in large formats. He has also had severeral commissions from the the State Institute for Nationwide Concerts. Especially the full evening intermedia work ”Clouds” from 1976 should be mentioned. ”Clouds” is composed for three women singers, three dancers, ten slide-projectors, five film-projectors and eight channel tape. It is also the first Swedish work to employ FM-synthesis. Since 1978 Bodin has belonged to the inner circle of IMEB in Bourges and realized half dozen commissioned works in the IMEB studios. All of them have been premiered during the annual
festival for experimental music in Bourges.
Bodin’s compositions are available on various CD:s, both Swedish and international productions. (see a selection below)...


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More sound samples are available att UBU.COM and SOUNDCLOUD.COM
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