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Welcome to Lars-Gunnar Bodin's website
Lars-Gunna Bodin died on May 10th, 2021 after several years of disease. Hi turned 85 years.
Lars-Gunnar Bodin, was born on July 15, 1935 in Stockholm, Sweden. As a composer he was active in several artitistic areas like Music, Sound Art, Electroacoustic Music, Visual Arts, Radio Art, Performance Art, Concrete Poetry and Text/sound Composition.
preference when it comes to describe his artistic work,
which means that he above all consider his artistic
activity in all fields as an act of composing. He had
also a great interest in pedagogical matters and has
been teaching both in Sweden and the US. His
pedagogical fields are mainly ” The Aesthetics and the
History of Ideas of Electroacoustic Music and Sound
Art” and ”How to compose with words”, with special
reference to Text/sound Compositions.
Lars-Gunnar belongs to the limited number of Swedish artists who was granted the State Income Guarantee – a lifetime award. You will find samples of his music, art, poetry, and other texts, which are all free to enjoy and/or download for personal use.
Please note that all artwork available on this website are copyright protected!
Lars-Gunnar 80th anniversary
With reference to Lars-Gunnar's 80th anniversary "Sound of Stockholm" organized two symposiums and special concert which toke place on Nov 5th 2015 at Kulturhuset (Statsteatern, Stockholm). The concert portraited Lars-Gunnar as a pioneer composer of the electro acoustic music area. Several samples from his large repertoire was performed.
Among others a newly commissioned work ordered by "Swedish Radio" from Lars-Gunnar Bodin was performed. The work is called "Jörgen - Five Episodes for Saxophone and Pre-recorded Sounds". The famous swedish saxophone player Jörgen Pettersson played live to electronic background music by Lars-Gunnar Bodin. "Swedish Radio Live" recorded the concert and it was sent on air November 24th 2015. The concert is no longer available at Swedish Radio Live's web page but you can listen to this new pice of music by clicking the below player. The piece last for about 14 minutes. It can also be downloaded as a MP3 file by clicking here!
Lars-Gunnar Bodin was awarded a new Composer Award in 2017
Lars-Gunnar Bodin was awarded the newly established composer award to Bo Wallner's memory by The Royal Swedish Academy of Music "for a composer filled with innovative creation, where text-sound compositions formed the breakthrough for a rich artistic activity that has constantly paved the way." (Information from the Academy's website 2017 - Read more here!). The award of SEK 100.000,- was distributed by H.M. The King at a cermony at the Academy's annual summit on November 27, 2017.